Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Exhaustion

I need a week to recover from holidays. Maybe it is just hot and the ac in the car didn't work on the 45 minute car ride home from dinner and I spent most of the afternoon standing in the bright sun. My sister has claimed Easter as her holiday so we loaded up the kids, the eggs, the card tables and chairs and our contributions to the meal and headed to her house. My children insisted on wearing their Easter clothes to dinner. I made skirts for the three of us to match following the direction posted in Randi's blog

They turned out great but the girls wore long sleeve shirts with them and thus were understandably hot when they searched for Easter eggs in the treeless backyard.

it was a successful hunt however, 82 eggs were hidden and 82 eggs were found, if we counted right. My mother did the math and I don't doubt her calculations but she adds half in her head and half out loud so I have trouble getting to the solution listening to her. She groups numbers and I can usually get the same answer just not nearly as fast.

Now the kids are on a sugar high from all the candy in the eggs that Shan diligently filled and hid for them. Thanks honey!

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